TNA D4 Call for Nominations Board of Directors Nominee-Ruben Castillo
Posted 10 months ago by Robert Castillo Jr in TNA D4 Call for Nominations
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My Nursing Director portfolio consists of the units 7b, 10org, 11b, 11g, and 11 org, I would like to share a little about myself. I have been a nurse for over 20 years, having a strong work ethic, the ambition to contribute to the profession, a need for continual education, and a wonderful family support system. My education background consist of the completion of an LVN program, Associate RN, BSN, MSN, and DNP degree.
I have a nursing background that includes pediatrics clinic, NICU, adult ER, cardiac short stay, and combined Neuro/Cardiac/Surgical /Medical ICU before taking a staff nurse position at UTSW in 2008 at St. Paul. I have been with UTSW for over 15 years. Working in various roles e.g., bedside critical care RN, charge nurse, Clinical Coordinator position, Assistant Nurse Manager, interim manager, manager, and now a nursing director. Throughout my leadership development I continued to develop skills in project development & management, poster presentations, podium speaking, participating in committee work e.g., CAUTI, PICC, Quality and Safety and holding a co-chair & chair position for some of these committee. Giving back to the community and the nursing profession is also important to me. I am currently am involved in professional organizations e.g., Texas Nurses Association District 4 (Board member, treasurer, Mock Trial chair, Past-President), and Past-DFW Great 100 board member.